Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy......

It's hard to describe the feeling when your Mom says "you look so much smaller..." and your brother says..."wow, how much weight have you lost?" At first it was disbelief...because lets face it ALL week I've been sick and I haven't gone to the gym! I didn't eat too terribly bad, BUT I didn't keep track of it that well either! I had the kids on mon, tues, thurs and friday. I was constantly active with them but I was feeling down about not going to the gym. Then we went to my niece Anna's 2nd Birthday party and my family praised me about my weight loss and how good I was looking.  After disbelief came the feeling of I CAN do this and I WILL do this and I have so many supporters out there! My cold is almost gone and Monday AM I have to go back to work. The plan is to do the Zumba workout on my Wii in the morning and after dinner go to the gym and get some cadio and weights in plus lots of water and eating right!

1 comment:

  1. You will not get tired of those compliments, I promise! And they will keep on coming! I'm so excited for you!
