Monday, June 27, 2011

Swimsuits and LONG work weeks....

Friday I decided to see if I could find a swimsuit and a cover up that will fit me right now. Originally I was not even going to try because lets face it...trying on a swimsuit is actually wearing one will be much worse and I was not planning on any outings that would involve one this summer.  BUT now I'm going to be having some fun at a water park with some of the kiddos and I need to participate. I went during my lunch break and found a suit in a 22/24 instead of my usual 26/28 and I also found some swim shorts to wear over it to cover up more!! I brought them home to try on my surprise...they fit! And they don't look too bad! Mostly I'm shocked that I feel comfortable wearing them! Now that really boosted my morale!

Then on Saturday I really started to feel the work week weighing me down. Sunday was day 7 and I was just feeling awful. I know its giving too much information..but I've hit that time of the month and I am feeling bloated and my ankles are swelling for the first time in a long time and I just want to eat ...!!! I couldn't bring myself to go to the gym.

Today, Monday...I left work an hour and a half early and came home to rest. I am going to get back to the gym tomorrow and get back on track because it feels so good when I am eating right and exersizing. I saw an old friend this weekend whom I havent seen in ages...she said I looked like I've lost weight and I hugged her tight and thanked her.

I CAN do this and I WILL do this and I will NOT give up!! Thankfully the long work week is behind me. I am off on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday,Sunday and Monday!! I plan on not wasting those days off. I will do something fun and something healthy for me to get me further on this journey!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back to Life ...Back to Reality....

WOW going back to work after so many days off was so much harder than I expected. I still have a bit of a cold and that didn't help much! We went to the gym on Monday night and I did 3 miles on the elliptical and it felt great to get back to it!! Tuesday night we didn't go because a storm was coming in so I did my weights at home and some lunges etc....Tonight I was going to go BUT by the time I got off of work, came home and fixed dinner and cleaned up I was done. So I decided not to go. Then @ 10:30 pm my energy and need to get some exercise in prompted me to get my gear on and turn on the Wii for a Zumba class! I took class number two and it was fun (I'm sure I looked goofy) but it was invigorating and now I am a sweaty mess! I added some arm exercises with my weights too and now I feel much better. As far as food is concerned. We've been doing pretty good....I do confess to a small blizzard from the EVIL Dairy Queen and I had a Mello Yello (not diet) yesterday afternoon! I will strive to do better tomorrow!! The "plan" is to get to the gym!  Thanks again to everyone for their encouragement! It goes a long way! I have 5 more days to work before I get a day off...wish me luck!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy......

It's hard to describe the feeling when your Mom says "you look so much smaller..." and your brother says..."wow, how much weight have you lost?" At first it was disbelief...because lets face it ALL week I've been sick and I haven't gone to the gym! I didn't eat too terribly bad, BUT I didn't keep track of it that well either! I had the kids on mon, tues, thurs and friday. I was constantly active with them but I was feeling down about not going to the gym. Then we went to my niece Anna's 2nd Birthday party and my family praised me about my weight loss and how good I was looking.  After disbelief came the feeling of I CAN do this and I WILL do this and I have so many supporters out there! My cold is almost gone and Monday AM I have to go back to work. The plan is to do the Zumba workout on my Wii in the morning and after dinner go to the gym and get some cadio and weights in plus lots of water and eating right!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


So why is it that I am taking my vitamins and going to the gym and trying to eat right...and BAM ...I've got some kind of cold going on?? My throat is sore and I just don't feel good...BUT I promised these kids they could come over for JBo camp so I will press on.  I didn't go to the gym yesterday...I felt so yucky. Now today I feel double yucky because I need to get to the gym. So I might try and go anyway this evening..after all the kiddos are deposited back to their parents. No camp tomorrow I'm taking a day off! Hopefully my next post will be more positive!!  As always though...I will not give up!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

ZUMBA for the Wii

Did not get to the gym today either BUT I did by the Zumba game for the Wii. It comes with a belt that you put around your waist and put the controller in so it can track your movements. It barely fit....and I do mean barely! I did the first "easy" level. Boy did it get my heart pumping and I got a good sweat going! It was really fun and I could close the door and no one see me jiggling everywhere! It also had a good cool down section at the end. I also used my weights for my arms earlier today. I may buy another dance game for some variety. I'm thinking that I could do this before I go to work and hit the gym after work? I'm actually enjoying being more "active". Now to get my husband into it more! So happy he's home. He brought back a cold with him, so he's not feeling good at all! Tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping. Going to go for the healthier items and keep this thing going! Thanks to all for your comments on here and in private. That is what's going to help me keep on the right track!

Friday, June 10, 2011

2009 This will be my before photo...


Today I had a yogurt, a turkey wrap, and some boneless honey bbq wings with a baked potato at Applebees. They weren't that great and if I could go back and not eat them I would! But I can't so lets just move forward right? I didn't get to the gym today either and thats ok. No excuses....even though I've got plenty!  Thankfully I will be picking up my hubby in a little while from the airport and will have my gym buddy back with me. I feel so much better not going alone! BUT at least NOW I know I can go alone if he can't/doesn't want to go!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The blog that inspires me is.. It's awesome and everyone should check it out!


Well today I had a pretty good day. I am so happy to be done with work until June 20th. There are lots of activities between now and then! I will have my nephews and two very sweet girls over next week for several days. I am planning some outdoors fun as well as some inside when it gets too hot!  Today I got an email helping me figure out some calorie questions so I am going to have to make a grocery list and figure out what I should be eating in order to help me lose this weight! I went to the gym tonight and did two miles and some weights! For breakfast I had two pieces of toast with peanut butter, for lunch I had a personal pizza at Subway (not the best choice I know! ) for dinner I had a turkey wrap with some light ranch and some veggies, for snack yogurt and a banana. I beat myself up about the pizza of course ....but I am moving in the right direction! I can't wait for my husband to get back home tomorrow night!! The car should be fixed Saturday and hopefully my vacation will be a breeze! I plan on doing some shopping with a sweet little friend of mine tomorrow, taking her to dinner and then I'll go to the gym again before picking up my dear husband at the airport after 11pm!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Staying positive...

Today I tried very hard to stay positive and have a good attitude about everything and I did a pretty good job of it! :) Todays food: Two pieces of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tuna wrap with a handful of pretzels, a chicken breast on 9 grain oat bread and a yogurt, and I had a grilled chicken sandwich with some waffle fries at Chickfila. I didn't get to the gym. I worked until 9 and came home. I did some squats, lunges, arm curls with the weights, some wood choppers, and some high knees to get my heart rate up while watching So You Think You Can Dance! Tomorrow I get off at 7 and plan to get to the gym. I missed it tonight. I am not a morning person so honestly it is rough for me to go to the gym before work. I tried that too many times and failed. I am a night owl!  ----Looking into the future one of my plans is to go to Disney World. I have never been and I know that at my current size I wouldn't fit on the rides! I am setting the goal for that trip for 2013...the year I turn 40! So WDW here I come!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today I....

I successfully made it through the day without eating out! This is quite an accomplishment for me considering I was off work today and John is out of town. The easy thing would be to go out for lunch or dinner. I was tempted by my current roommate :) with pizza but I resisted! Way to go me!  Started off the day with two scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast with some all natural jelly. For a snack I had a yogurt and a sugar free pudding later. For lunch I made a turkey wrap with a whole wheat wrap, some light mayo, turkey and a little bit of shredded cheese and a handful of pretzels. For dinner it was another healthy choice dinner and yogurt. I want to start cooking more, but right now I'm eating what I have in the kitchen already!  Hit the elliptical again tonight for 4.28 miles and 720 calories.  Again I almost gave up after two miles but kept on going! I was going to do the weight machines but my body was done. Maybe tomorrow should just be the weight machines? 

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Good Day...Even For A Monday!

I woke up tired. Day 8 of work was ahead of me. I had some frozen pancakes with light syrup. I don't think it was the right choice. I didn't feel so good and was hungry again way before lunch. I'm thinking scrambled eggs and toast tomorrow. Anyways....I made it to lunch and made another chicken wrap and had some strawberries...only ate half of the chicken wrap and I was hungry again before I got off at 5pm! I had a yogurt for a snack took a nap and chose to go to Chicfila. I had chicken nuggets and some waffle fries and a diet dr pepper.  Then I hit the gym and started out rough on the elliptical. I thought I was going to barely make it two miles and then ...I just kept going....and made it to 4.15 miles and 700 calories burned. I am off tomorrow and I plan on staying home for most of the day. No eating out and hitting the gym again! Any comments or suggestions are welcome. I am trying to win this battle and will accept any help I can get!!

For Sunday 5/5

i  did pretty good on food for the day. yogurt for breakfast/chicken wrap and strawberries for  lunch/healthy choice dinner and jello with peaches for dinner. i had a few sodas and not enough water intake. went to the gym and did two miles on the elliptical. I can and will do better!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

When LIFE gets in the way....

Today started out pretty good. I had yogurt for breakfast (probably should have had a little more than that) and for lunch i made my own grilled chicken wrap with a really good whole grain high fiber wrap and some veggies and some light ranch. I also had some strawberries. Since I was eating alone for dinner, I stopped and got some grilled chicken, a baked potato and a salad. THEN it happened...I barely made it home before my car died AGAIN..we think maybe it's the alternator. Since my husband is out of town this is stressing me out! I thought I could drive his truck, But he informed me it's been stalling on him..sigh.  Anyway I did NOT make it to the gym like I was anticipating. I didn't eat my dinner right away either because I was so upset! Thankfully Taylor is staying with me while John is out of town so I'm not alone and have plenty of options! My Mom is letting me borrow her gym here I come tomorrow after work! 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Getting Started

I have tried many times to lose weight. Each time I just never follow through. There are tons of excuses as to why this happens. Bottom line is: It gets hard and I give up. I have been so inspired by this past season of The Biggest Loser and of a blog I just found that I am going to give it my all. I do know there will be ups and downs! I also know I can do this!!  I do have to say that in 2006 I weighed in at 309 pounds!  I am happy to say that as of TODAY I weigh in at 270 pounds! So we have a long way to go!  Soon I will post a link to the blog that is inspiring me so much. First I want to get her permission! This is such a rambling mess but it's a start and I will post more tomorrow.