Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Long Time No Post...Back in the game!!

Well it's been forever since I've posted and that is not a good thing! This is supposed to be about keeping myself accountable and when I don't blog, I am slacking off somewhere!  It's been a rough week. No gym for SIX days and that is because I kept saying I will do it tomorrow ...and today I came home and we ate dinner and I was so tired. BUT then I told myself...yes I am physically tired...BUT I am more tired of having this weight on ME!  I feel so much better when I go to the gym.....add to all of that my food has been off and on good...and these past three days really bad...I just wanted to eat...and that made me so depressed!!

Now for the GOOD news...even though it was already 9pm and I was "tired" I got ready for the gym and grabbed my hubby and off we went. I stepped on the scale to see what damage I have been doing to myself and found my weight to be 272....not bad...two pounds up from when I started this blog..but what can you expect when you aren't eating the right things and being consistent with your workouts???

The results from going to the gym is 4.2 miles and 600 calories....LOTS of sweat and I kept my heart rate up for the workout! I came home and did some arm exercises too.

My Goal: August 3rd is my 38th birthday. I am making it my goal to get to the gym everyday and eat right, drink lots of water and BLOG all the way until Wednesday August 3rd.  At that point I will weigh in and make another goal!

Now for two more reasons why I am going to lose this weight.... I've always been the fat girl. I have never known what it is like to shop for cute clothes and feel confident wearing them! I want to shop in the clearance section and find something cute!  And also I want my Mom and Dad to be proud of my weight loss! I want to prove that I CAN do this. I have tried off and on for years and years and never have I been able to stick to anything. 

Lastly, in this jumbled up rambling mess, I have to kick fast food to the curb for good! I have managed to ditch Mcdonalds for over a year and a why can't I do it to the other places? If it has a drive thru its bad! So the only place I am going to leave available to me is..SUBWAY! I am just going to have to do it. It really is my greatest downfall as far as food is concerned. It's so easy to go through the drive-thru!

Thanks for reading! And thanks for the encouragement!
JBo xoxo

Monday, July 11, 2011

Whatever It Takes....

After a short weekend I never look forward to going back to work. But this morning I got up early, took care of some household stuff and made the best of it. With 7 days in a row looming before me, I knew that I have to take control of it or it will control ME!

It was a fairly decent day at work. I headed home determined that I must get to the gym tonight! So I go my husband and we went to the gym.  Boy did it feel good! I did 3.1 miles on the elliptical and sweated up a storm! Wow! I also did some arm exercises to finish off a really good day! Tomorrow is another day and I am taking it one day at a time. But I am not dreading the rest of the week as I usually do! I am looking forward to feeling better.

Today's reasons for losing the weight----I am tired of my legs rubbing together!! I rub holes in my pants and have to replace my work pants too often. It's no fun buying khakis for work! And belt extenders...going on a plane is fine for me because I always fly with my husband and if I take up some of his space its no big deal. BUT when you have to ask the flight attendant for a seat belt extender its so humiliating to me!  More reasons on the next blog post! I have to keep myself motivated!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Excuses....I am full of them!

Today I had every intention of going to the gym. But of course working from 9-715 on my feet all day at work changed that! I just didn't have it in me! I always have huge plans and these past few weeks it seems like less and less follow through. The sad thing is, I know I can do better. And the question is..WHEN?  Two more hard, long days at work for me and then I am off the weekend.

I have to start leaving the excuses behind and getting myself together. I do feel so much better after I go to the gym and when I am eating right. I need to focus on my goals and I will get there sooner.

Bottom line----No more EXCUSES!  Tomorrow will be a better day and I owe it to myself to make it so!
My goals for tomorrow are: Get some exercise in, drink lots of water, and eat according to my calorie plan.